SFP features Zim’s first visually impaired actress

August 27, 2015


Edith Masango

Edith Masango

Edith Masango, 24, has made history by being Zimbabwe’s first visually impaired actress after featuring as the lead ‘Jane’ in a Short Film Project (SFP) film, The Colllector, which will be premiered at ZIFF2015.
Masango, who was identified by the film’s director Justice Chapwanya-Mukoena, said taking up acting has enabled her to correct misconceptions about visually impaired people.
“Acting on that part which was normally reserved for those who could see an pretend to be blind was so interesting. I therefore speak to the world that people with my condition should not be limited, or limit themselves,” she said.
“People who stay with the blind should respect them and treat them fairly and give them hope that there is life after visual impairment,” she added.
The promising actress said she was born partially blind before losing her sight entirely in 2012 after giving birth when she was diagnoses of retis pigmentosa.
“I was born with poor eyesight and totally lost it in 2012 when I gave birth to a baby boy, Simbarashe Katambo. Doctors diagnosed this as retinis pigmentosa,” said Masango.
She said it was her first time to act in front of a camera and has interest to be actively involved in acting.
“I see myself going very far ,imparting messages to the
people on how they must treat us and how my fellows ought to present themselves,” said
Chapwanya-Mukoena described her as a very good person to work with, and promised to invite her if he happens to direct another film.
“Everything came out brilliantly, and better than I expected.
She was just natural and I enjoyed it. She was committed, keen to learn and responded positively as I directed,” he said.
“When I was chosen to direct this film by the producer Nakai  Matema I made some changes to the script and introduced a visually-impaired girl. I strongly felt that it would be more realistic to bring someone who is actually blind a move which was welcomed by Nakai and my colleagues,” he added.
The film deals with the theme of making choices. However, making a right choice seems to be a dilemma because even those choices presumed to be good also have negative implications.
For Edith, this story has real life meaning, because she strives hard to make better life-choices despite her blindness.
Internationally, there are however blind people who joined the film industry.
Notable international actors who were blind include Britain’s Jack Birkett, known as “The Incredible Orlando”, who had his first role in the film “Jubilee” in 1978. In the US Dana Elcar, who acted the role of Peter Thornton on “MacGyver” developed glaucoma related blindness in 1991 and continued to act as his blindness was written into his character.
The year 2009 saw the emergence of Britain’s first blind actress Kitty McGeever, who played the character of LizzieLakely when she joined Emmerdale. She however died
recently at the age of 44.


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